We are now forced to make a decision in the Presidential Primary. Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders have waged an outstanding battle for the hearts of the Democratic primary voter. Bernie’s success in New Hampshire has been balanced with Hillary’s narrow victories in Iowa and Nevada and success in South Carolina. Should we feel the “Bern” or continue the political evolution by electing the first female President?
Iowa Key Contacts
Click Here For Your State's Key Contacts Information
Iowa State Organizations
Click Here For Your State's Organizations Information
America Is Not the Only Country in the World
We are often given the conclusion that the “American Way” is the way the world thinks – or at least it should. It may come as a surprise to some but all the people in the world do not think as we do.
Is Good Ever Better Than Best?
We are now forced to make a decision in the Presidential Primary. Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders have waged an outstanding battle for the hearts of the Democratic primary voter. Should we feel the “Bern” or continue the political evolution by electing the first female President?
Are We Killing Ourselves?
There has been much discussion recently about the loss of life in the Black community because of the overaggressive, if not fearful actions of the police departments. Too many instances of death at the hands of those who are empowered by the state to protect us have led to the proper conclusion that many of these deaths are unjustified.
Monday, March 7, 2016
From Brad's Blog: Is Good Ever Better Than Best?
We are now forced to make a decision in the Presidential Primary. Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders have waged an outstanding battle for the hearts of the Democratic primary voter. Bernie’s success in New Hampshire has been balanced with Hillary’s narrow victories in Iowa and Nevada and success in South Carolina. Should we feel the “Bern” or continue the political evolution by electing the first female President?
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Brad's Blog Asks: Are we Killing Ourselves?
Trump Supporters Harass And Push Black Woman At Rally
Reports continued to come in about Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump and his supporters who were roundly criticized and condemned for races asked after a video surfaced of Donald Trump supporters harassing and pushing a black woman and a super Tuesday rally in Louisville Kentucky.
The young woman was protesting the rally when Donald Trump interrupted his speech to ask that the protest to be removed . Donald Trump's supporters then can be heard yelling epithets and seen pushing the woman who can be heard asking them not to touch her .
A similar incident recently happened to Black Lives Matter protesters removed from rallies and Valdosta State University in rural Georgia and a Radfordv University in Virginia.
PHOTO CREDIT: Getty | VIDEO CREDIT: New York Daily News
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Reports continued to come in about Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump and his supporters who were roundly criticized and con...
By Brad Thompson www.bradthompsonsr.com There has been much discussion recently about the loss of life in the Black community because of ...
From Brad's Blog at bradthompsonsr.com , Brad writes... We are now forced to make a decision in the Presidential Primary. Senator Hil...